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2nd Seminar on Performing Arts and Contemplative Practices:

Contemplation, Performing Arts and Coexistence

The 2nd Seminar on Performing Arts and Contemplative Practices: contemplation, performing arts and coexistence continues discussions started in the Performance and Mindfulness Symposium held at the University of Huddersfield (UK) in June 2016, and pursued in the seminar on Performing Arts and Contemplative Practices held in Rio de Janeiro, UNIRIO, in November of the same year. It is promoted by Tradere Research Group (CNPQ), coordinated by Dr. Daniel Plá (UFSM) with the partnership of CRIA group (UFMG), NUPAC (Centre for Research in Performing Arts- UFSM), UNIRIO (Rio de Janeiro-Brazil); UNICAMP (Campinas- Brazil) the Mindfulness and Performance Research Project and ReCePP (University of Huddersfield-UK and University of Southern Mississippi (USA).


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